Sunday, June 3, 2012


Welcome to the "Women of Grace Book Club"!!! I am so excited to go on this journey with you gals! My name is Shana (pronounced and I live in West Liberty, Ky. I was saved in November of 2000 and have been a member of Grace Baptist Church since then. My hubby is a Preacher Man and we have 6 of the craziest most loveable children ranging in ages 3 to 19, we are wanna be farmers, a homeschooling family and enjoy reaching others with God's Holy Word! I am the Director of Women's Ministry in our church and love, love, love digging into the Scriptures with other ladies so that we can learn more about our Lord and Savior and also together learn how we can apply those Scriptural truths to our lives for the glory of God! So, with that being said, I will get to the details of our first book in our book club. It's very simple!
1. You simply get online or go to your local book store and purchase a copy of Priscilla Shirer's "Discerning the Voice of God" Book, I have a pic of the book posted just in case.
2. We will read a chapter on our own once per week then on Thursdays I will post some questions on the blog for discussion and also occasionally add a vimeo for added discussions. In addition to our book club together I will also be taking a group of women in our church through the D.T.V.O.G book as well and am anticipating we will get to participate in a vimeo interview with our study group so that you gals can get some insights from their studies in the book.
3. Check in every Thursday on the blog by leaving a comment or some insights to what God is saying/revealing to you through your readings. This will also let me know that you girlies are still with me! Please feel free to leave prayer requests as well. We are not only here to study together but to also pray together!
My prayer is that the Lord will use this book club as a tool to unite women together with the goal to be strengthened by taking scriptures and applying them to our lives in such a way that we begin to hear, see and act on what God is doing around us! So, are you ready?? Let's do this girls!!
Starting date is June 14th, 2012. If you have any questions feel free to email me at .

Blessings to you!
John 10:27
 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

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