Friday, June 22, 2012

Chapter 2: Inside Information

So..we have gotten week 1 are you all doing out there?? It was a tough one for me. I talk...ALOT..Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 is now seared in my brain. On page 18 Priscilla said, "Hadn't I been approaching Him the same way? Talking, talking,talking, talking-praying..but mostly just talking, repeating myself, analyzing, rationalizing." That was me...point blank. However, with every realization that I had..that tearing down feeling..God built me back up through His Word and prayer. I know that each of you would agree with that as well. He has such a way of showing us our downfalls and building us back up with His grace. I love that..How about you? What did you learn this week? What did He say to you?
Now we begin today on week 2..It is titled,"Inside Information" and from what I read today, it is all about the "INSIDE" and I am already captivated by what He is doing in me with just one reading. This study has already changed my heart, I pray it has yours as well. More to come..let's get started on week 2 ladies..ready??

In Him,


  1. Love this study and we are just on chapter 2.....
    I am listening God..

    Your sister in Christ,Tara

  2. This study is wonderful. I look forward every morning to read and study what God has in store today. Being quiet and listening for the Holy Spirit speak and to know that it is coming from God is amazing!!!
